Thrilling backstory, detailed maps, characters with unique abilities, and an immersive battle royale experience. Yes, we are talking about Apex Legends. If you are a new-generation gamer, you are probably familiar with the battle royale genre. Enhanced with the current gaming technology, these types of games the frontiers of the gaming world. Initially, the game is a spin-off of the Titanfall series, which was created by Respawn Entertainment and released by EA. However, Apex Legends became more than a spin-off over the years and established itself as a powerhouse among the gaming community. Moreover, the mobile version of the game is in the test phase. That means the game will be available, even if you do not own a high-end device. Currently, the game reached Season 10 and continue the amaze the gamers with new characters and maps. Season 10 and the new hero ‘’Seer’’ is available since August 3.
Table of Contents
Season 10: Emergence
New generation gamers have a very demanding nature. Based on that, new generation games have to create new content and updates to keep their community and the fan base. Apex Legends does not fall short on that issue, so developers released new updates and a legend in Season 10. Briefly, Emergence includes a new map, weapon, hero, and a new ranking system elevate the experience better for the players. The new map is called ‘’World’s Edge’’, where nature changed drastically and lost all its natural resources. Furthermore the various part of the map extended to create a new point of interest. Add to that we have a new weapon ‘’Rampage LMG’’ a heavy armored, mid-range combat machine in its own right. The other major update is the new ranking system called MMR (matchmaking rating) to bring a new system to offer an evenly matched competitive experience.
A New Character of the Apex Legends Season 10: Seer
Obi Edolasim, later known as ‘’Seer’’ is the new champion of the Apex Legends. When Edolasim was born, many perceived it as a bad omen, a catastrophe. However, his parents thought the opposite, and raised him in a way, so that he can fully express himself. That is why Seer is a legend and an artist. Uniquely, Seer has a sense of elegance in him, and his abilities have been created accordingly. Seer is theatrical and creates a stage for himself to perform. With his tactical ability, he can interrupt and reveals the position of the enemies. As a passive ability, he can hear the heartbeat of his opponents while aiming. Ultimately, he creates a sphere of micro-drones and weapons to reveal the enemies and shoot them down. Now that the new abilities are available, you may also check our new extension, consisting of animated wallpapers and features.
Apex Legends WallPaper Collection
Apex Legends HQ 1 Apex Legends HQ 3 Apex Legends HQ 5 Apex Legends HQ 7 Apex Legends HQ 9 Apex Legends HQ 11 Apex Legends HQ 13 Apex Legends HQ 15 Apex Legends HQ 17 Apex Legends HQ 19 Apex Legends HQ 21 Apex Legends HQ 23 Apex Legends HQ 25 Apex Legends HQ 27 Apex Legends HQ 29 Apex Legends HQ 31 Apex Legends HQ 33
New Update, New Extension, New Features
To elevate your browser experience, we have created this new extension for Apex Legends fans! Since the game has been updated, we had to offer something new for the users. Once you install our extension, you will see the difference immediately. Here are our features:
- Recently created animated wallpapers will cover the background of your newly open tabs.
- ‘’Note’’ and ‘’Tasks’’ sections are here for you to program your work online. In addition, you can use them as reminders for your further work or personal stuff!
- As an irreplaceable part of any extension, we added Google Search Bar and clock and date features at the upper right.