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Most of our hobbies or things that we enjoy come from a single motivation: to open a new perspective. The main reason for that is to make our lives a bit more enjoyable. Normally, we have a routine in our daily lives and sometimes that becomes dull and frustrating. To change that we look for new things. Such as working out, learning a new language, or discovering a new hobby. However, these elements require more time and consistency to implement in our daily lives. Since the modern individual look for a short time amusement. Watching a movie is more convenient most of the time.

Of course, that does not imply that choosing a short-time amusement is negative. Because watching a movie could be inspiring and teach you a new aspect you have not thought about before. Moreover, you have a chance to observe and discover a new world by watching movies such as The Lord of the Rings trilogy. That also implies Star Wars or the Harry Potter franchise. Cinema is the key to discovering new things about yourself or the world you are living in. In addition to that, the characters portrayed in movies allow you to put yourselves in their shoes.
Moreover, many movies show reality to the audience. Mostly in the drama category, the human condition is revealed in layers. While watching those characters develop through the course of the movie, we have a chance to develop ourselves. In this way, watching a movie becomes similar to reading a book. The relation between reading a book and watching is apparent, especially in book adaptations on cinema, documentaries, and biographies.
The grim and usually depressive atmosphere of drama movies is not for everybody. Action and adventure movies are the alternative for dramas most of the time. Those films offer entertainment in a suspenseful phase. Action and adventure movies have a variety of setting choices, sometimes in a sci-fi-influenced world or a more realistic setting. As soon as the emotional side of the film emerges, the audience tends to establish a close relationship with the movie. In comedies and romances, we can see many characters resembles in many ways more than you can imagine. Interestingly, most comedies and romances often have a dramatic side which enhances the connection between a film and an audience.
Since the world of cinema is vast and every year, new movies come out as a product of new technology, ideas, and influences. Also, many genres are mixed. Meaning you may find a certain amount of drama in an action movie and vice versa. For instance, the Last Duel (2021) is a drama with an element of action in a historical setting. As you can see, every movie is an amalgamation of different types of aspects, settings, and elements.